Ikodhi, Inc. opens computer labs throughout NYC

Sony’s Global Social Justice Fund Partners with The Code’s non-profit arm, Ikhodi, Inc.

Social Justice may represent something different within various communities, and often the notion of racial inequities might challenge prevailing beliefs. For The Code and its non-profit arm Ikhodi, Inc., it means closing the digital divide to even the playing field for African American, underserved and underprivileged communities.. Thanks to Sony’s Global Social Justice Fund for […]
Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and Senator Kevin Parker support The CODE through letters to the public and private sector

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and Senator Kevin Parker endorse and support The CODE through letters to the public and private sector. In 2019, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and Senator Kevin Parker both wrote letters to the public and private sector in support of The CODE. Eric Adams, who is a champion of coding […]
The Fastest Growing Jobs in the U.S. Are in Tech or Tech Related

Its no secret that technology is the fastest growing job market in the U.S and worldwide: https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/emerging-jobs-2020 We will equip underserved and underprivileged students to compete and take advantage of the job market they will soon embark upon.
There Is More to Coding Than Just Learning How to Code.

This article breaks down the key components that enhances a students’ skills to deal with real world situations, such as problem solving and critical thinking: https://qz.com/1752837/stem-and-coding-arent-enough-to-prepare-kids-for-the-future/ At The CODE, we ensure that we instill and nurture such skills in our students.
“Five Years of Tech Diversity Reports—and Little Progress”

While technology is an emerging field, tech companies are lagging in their hiring practices as it pertains to a diverse population at their companies. This is after 5 years of investigation in or data about diversity in tech. https://www.wired.com/story/five-years-tech-diversity-reports-little-progress/ One of The CODE’s goals is to build pipelines with our partners as it pertains to […]
The Code Receives $30,000 Funding from National Grid for Brooklyn High School Students

NEW YORK, N.Y.– The Code received $30,000 in funding from National Grid this week to support software coding and college career initiatives at three New York City high schools. National Grid’s funding promotes HTML and CSS classes offered through The High School for Service and Learning, FDNY High School and Bedford Academy, in Brooklyn, to […]